5 Tips for Starting a New Job and Keeping Your $hit Together

Career, For Individuals, Leadership | 0 comments

The first few weeks of something new can be difficult. Going into an unknown environment with unknown people and agendas can feel overwhelming, even when it’s something you’ve been seeking for weeks, months, or years. For anyone experiencing a new beginning, here are 5 things to keep in mind as you settle in:

1. Believe your own hype.
You have the experience and potential to succeed. That’s why they hired you. Trust that you have what it takes and conduct yourself accordingly.

2. Be patient with yourself.
You’ve never done this job with these people for this organization before, so there will be things you don’t know. You’ll learn and grow and that’s the point.

3. Be patient with others.
You’ll run into legacy issues, processes, and relationships and will hear “that’s the way we do it” more often than you would like. Know everyone is doing their best to navigate change and give them grace to learn with you.

4. Remember why you’re there.
You have your own WHY. Protect it fiercely and revisit it often – especially when you’re struggling with 1-3 above.

5. Pause to celebrate your accomplishment.
Too often we go through life without reflecting on the magnitude of what we’ve done. Take a moment to reflect on all you’ve done to get you where you are today.

Now, go get ‘em!

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